Tiger Barbs continue to die, What can it be???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Well, I have had a total of 10 Tiger Barbs die in the last few weeks and I am completly stumped to the point I will wait for the 3 reamining to die and never get Tiger Barbs again. My other fish are perfectly healthy. Here is a link to my first thread with a complete history. I had about 2-3 weeks with no death but generally unhappy fish, not swimming and chasing each other like they did when I first got them.


Since my last post in that thread, I have given 2 treatments of "Parasite Clear (Tank Buddies)" advised by the LFS Big Al's fish manager. I treated by removing the filter for 24 hrs after dropping in a tab, waited 3 days, did a 45%pwc, waited 3 days, and repeated. 3 fish have died since. One of the fish got extremly bloated, looked like a puffer.

Here are current readings:
NO3 - 20ppm
NO2 - 0ppm
Hardness - 120
Alkalinity - 80
PH - 7.8

Let me know if any other details will help.
Just a question about your previous post. Were you still feeding the frozen food? Can you attribute the fish illnesses to a time when you started feeding the frozen food, within a few weeks?

Your deaths are very unexplainable, that's my only guess. Everything else seems fine with your tank.

Regardless, I'm sorry to hear about your problems.
I haven't fed the frozen in a few weeks, I've been trying to keep everything stable to find a possible cause.

Also, maybe this may help. Most of the fish that have died were partially eaten before I could get them out, I'm not sure if this is why the disease is still spreading, but the more info I can give the better.
One of the fish got extremly bloated, looked like a puffer.

Kinda like this?

If so, that could be so. It has to be some sort of internal infection that is killing your fish. That's the only explanation.

Dropsy is result of when an internal infection shuts down the internal organs and keeps them from expelling fluids. It must be treated with either an antibiotic or medicated foods.
Well, this only happened to one of the fish. The most common sign of illness that they all showed was they stop swimming and eating. They all swim up under the filter output and stay there. I'm not sure if it's that calmest spot, darkest spot or what?? But they ALL do it before they die. Some have done it for a week or more, others only a day or 2. I currently have 2 of my 3 remaining doing this now. I am tottaly frustrated by this.

Other than the one puffy fish, they show no external signs, no spots that I notice, nothing, just normal looking fish.
Mine like to hang out under the filter output as well, but when they see me coming, they know there's food. Sorry to hear your losses. Not sure what it could be.
u2_Crazy, meaning you had a case of dropsy and your fish are showing other signs of internal infection, that is my guess. It is the only explainable problem. Dropsy is a side effect of internal infection, so it could be that your other fish just simply died before they could exhibit signs of them. Whether it was brought in my the slightly thawed (soft means thawed, I would have tossed it after that) frozen food, or simply in with your fish, I don't think you'll ever be able to tell.

My advice, to save the rest of your fish, is to start them on an anti-bacterial medicated fish food. This will kill the bacterial infection they have in them quicker than maracyn-2 will. If you cannot find medicated food, maracyn-2 will work also.

Sorry again to hear about your fish.

I hope this helps you.
I picked up the Jungle Labs Anti Bacterial food. I'll start it tonight and hope for the best.

Thanks for the advice.
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