Tiger Barbs growth rate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 3, 2004
I have 3 tiger barbs with a Managunese Cichlid.

The tiger barbs are like 1.5" big when I got them 3 months ago. They didnt look like they have growth any bigger still, I dont know why

I got the tiger barbs and Managunese at the same time.

The Managunese was like 1.5" big as well and now a little over 3".

I have seem a 3" Tiger Barb before, but how long would it take them to grow to that size?

What is the largest Tiger barb u guys have seem? 4"?

Right now the Tiger barbs are eatting what the Managuese are eatting, Hikari Cichlid pellets, some Shrimp pellets, bloodworms and sometimes feeder guppies.

I wonder what I can do to make them grow faster.
Adding tropical flakes to the diet wouldnt hurt. I like the TetraMin tropical Crisps.
My tigers are pigs. They were about 0.75" when I got them. They average 2.5" now almost 1.5 years later. Havent really grown much in the last 6 months. They are plump looking thou. Some get bigger than others just like people. Depends on the parents genes.
Tiger Barbs are schooling fish. You might think about putting another 2 or 3 in the tank. They might be happier then and grow for you. ;-)
Indeed tiger barbs like groups of 6+
3" is really the typically max adult size...though they can get to 3.5"

It'll take a while...a whole year to go from 2-3" in my experience. Barbs like meat too...feed them some brine or mysis shrimp, in addition to flake. If the mangunese is prone to bloat, be careful when feeding shrimp.
My tiger barb

I got my tiger barb almost 2 months ago and what ever I'm doing must be right, he has grown from 1 inch to 3 inches in this time. (He did have buddies but they got sick and died, he now has buddies again) he gets fed two small pinches of crushed tropical flakes and bloodworms everyday. Admittedly I'm probably turning it into a glutinous fish but I just can't help myself :lol:
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