Top 10 freshwater fish

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Aug 16, 2013
So out of simple curiosity, I wanted to see what everyone one would say is the top 10 of the freshwater fishes?
German blue Rams!!

Always loved the look of a large school of neon tetras or rummy nose tetras

As for sheer looks, then celestrial pearl danios are a gorgeous looking fish
1. Angelfish
2. GBR's & Bolivians (equally!)
3. Harlequin Rasbora
4. Neons
5. Penguin Tetra
6. Denison Barb
7. Cherry Barb
8. Pearl Gourami
9. Betta
10. CPD's
Hard to put them in any order really, here are just 10 of my favorites (in no particular order):

African Brown Knifefish
Apisto cacatuoides
Cardinal tetras
Panda corys
Chili rasbora
Bosemani rainbows
Threadfin Rainbows
Are we talking in general, or personal top 10s? Personally...
1) GBRs - gorgeous and fun personalities
2) Loaches (just about any of them) - clowns of the tank, fun patterns
3) Puffers - great personalities, adorable faces
4) Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish - funny personalities, cool to watch
5) Angelfish - elegant, personable, doesn't lurk
6) Bettas - smart, variety of personalities, colorful
7) Threadfin Rainbows - cool displays & colorful
8) Oscars - wet puppies
9) Guppies - so many pretty colors and patterns
10) Danios - super active, lots of fin and color/pattern varieties
11) Cardinal Tetra/Neon Tetras - so colorful and hardy once you get past the initial period

Okay, so that's 11... Couldn't decide ;)
I can't choose 10, it's hard so here are some of my favorites:

German Blue Rams (I love the colors)
Corycat fish (I have panda cories and they have a lot of personality)
Platys (nosey, greedy, and always greet me first when I get close to the tank)
Rummynose Tetra (schooling fish are awesome)
Pearl Gourami (mine is shy but I love her look)
1. Guppies
2. Betta
3. Melanogenys cichlid
4. Mastacembelus elipsifer
5. Stiphodon goby
6. Glass catfish
7. Rummy nose tetra
8. Congo puffer
9. Apistogramma cacatuoides
10. German blue ram.
GBR ,Rummynose tetras, this might be quaint but pink Glo-danio's. (My first fish ^_^)
I've been bouncing around a few ideas for my list but I think this is it,

1) discus
2) killifish
3) apistogramma
4) neon tetra
5) angelfish
6) plecostomus
7) Betta
8) black ghost knife fish
9) arrowana
10) scarlet gem badis
Don't know how to decide on a top ten but my two favourite fish I currently have are scarlet badis and kuhli loaches.
Here is my top 10:

1. Threadfin Rainbowfish

2. Cardinal Tetras

3. Congo Tetras

4. Ram Cichlids

5. Furcata Rainbowfish

6. Assassin Snails!

7. Bentos Tetra (a highly underrated fish)

8. Any type of shrimp and Orange Dwarf Crayfish

9. Angelfish

10. Panda Garra loaches

Two of my choices are inverts, but they fit my top 10
In no particular order:

Angelfish (pretty and big)
Pygmy Cory (adorable!)
Blood fin tetra (tight schooler, nice splash of color)
Betta (love to breed them)
Platys (oh the colors!!! Plus EASY to breed)
Molly (bright orange only!)
"Mystery" snails (fun to watch)
German blue rams (great personalities and beautiful color!)

Well, only 8 ;)
I don't know about 10, but my number 1 is the Clown these guys, very entertaining!!
1)Snakeskin Discus- If I could justify a $80 fish...
2)Guentheri Killifish
3)Cardinal Tetras- Nothing more beautiful than a large school in a planted tank!
4)GBR's- Nice to have a fish that will greet you to THEIR tank!
5)Flame Dwarf Gourami
6)Tiger Oscar- Large and in charge!
7)Arowana- Elegant yet Brutal.... Check!
8)Sailfin Pleco- Armor Plated Catfish! They need a horse or a gun turret... not sure which!
9)Yo-Yo Loach- I hear the Sabre Dance song, whenever I see 4-5 of these guys together.
10)Dojo Loach- their so cute!
I feel like there are so many breathtaking freshwater fish that just get forgotten about because you never see them
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