True SAE's....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
What is the easiest way to tell if a SAE is a true SAE? The lfs has got some fish in that they are calling Thai Flying Foxes, and was wondering if they are the True SAE. I asked the gal if she knew, and all she could tell me is it's the one that eats green and brown algae, lol. She's not the fish gal there, and is more with the cats and rodents, lol.

Now, I haven't really found any good pics on the differences, but at one site, it says the tell-tale sign of a true SAE is transparent fins. And these fish have all transparent fins. And they are not real colorful either, but they are very active, swim in tight schools, and the lf has about 30 of them. They are only about 2.00 per fish, and I just want to make sure they really are True SAE's before getting them. I'd like 6 for my 75G and 3 or 4 for my 29G.

Found ome valuable info at this site. For the true SAE, the black stripe goes all the way to the tip of the tail. I'll check them out at the lfs tomorrow.
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