Two Quick Ich Questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 19, 2005
West Virginia, USA
What do you do when you can't catch the fish to treat them in a seperate tank?

Does letting the main tank go fallow mean shutting doen the filtering system as well? Should pwc stop during this period?

If you're having trouble catching the fish with a net, you can try fish traps, or if it's feasible, removing some of your LR temporarily to make it a little easier.

Fallow does not mean inert, just no fish. Keep your filters going and your lights on their normal cycle, just take out all the fish. This keeps the ich from having anything to attach to and reproduce. PWC can continue if you feel it's necessary. But without fish in the tank the amount of ammonia and waste produced will be minimum reducing one of the major reasons for a PWC. But depending on how many corals and such you may still need to do PWC to replace trace elements.
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