Ultimate Goldfish aquarium.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 18, 2014
Hi everyone,
Forgive me if this topic has already being created but I was wondering what peoples opinion would be of the ultimate setup for three fantails.
Post away and let me have your thoughts.
I have a 75 gallon with a fantail and a ryukin. I have a fluval canister filter #406 I believe. It is capable of filtering 100 gallons. I also have two Tetra internal filters capable of filtering 40 gallons for extra filtration. I have an air pump with dual air lines. Bubble wands are best, especially in a big goldfish tank. I recommend gravel. I do not recommend live plants as I have heard it is difficult to have goldfish not tear them up and destroy them. Fantails are wonderful, and they grow fast. Mine is almost 4.5 years old. Best wishes to your goldfish family :)
Oh dear I think my tank is to small! It's an Eheim Scubaline 140 with a Eheim 250 classic. I use a surface skimmer and just about to install a magnavore simplicity with purigen. Next step is a uv steriliser. I change around 30l every Friday and feed the boys twice a day of Hakari sinking pellets. They seem to be very happy at the moment and act as if they are on steroids! Full of character and they are pets who seem to love the hand that feeds them! My tap water is around 17ppm hence the chemical media. H is around 4" and the other two are 2" so I'm hoping the tank will be ok size wise for another twelve months. Going to try Seachem Matrix soon as the media is quite old.
Try to avoid decor they can get stuck in/hurt themselves on....goldfish are notorious for getting themselves into trouble :p

Also make sure to get some decent sized gravel so the goldfish dont swallow any and choke

I sold my barracudas yesterday..... i am no longer the comet grim reaper
*Takes a bow* you're welcome goldfish lovers
feed them a variety of food this will help them grow. Try pellets aswell as flakes, brimpshrimp, bloodworms(have a lot of protein so as a treat its fine) either live,frozen or dried. Help them digest their food by giving them veg, like broccoli,cucumber,peas. Fancies also like to bottom feed so where possible if you feed flakes push them below the surface so they sink. This will help Goldfish avoid swimbladder problems which fancies can have problems with as they get older.
Personally I prefer the artificial look its more fun. If you have black moors, try to avoid ornaments with sharp edges, there eyesight also isn't so good, they benefit from keeping the ornaments in the same place after you clean them, as they memorise their environment so they don't bump into things. I made the mistake of changing my ornaments around and I watched my black moor get ever so slightly disoriented lol There sooo cute.

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