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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 12, 2012
Hi all, got my first stock for my 28 us gallon tank at the weekend, got 6 threadfin rainbows, a rusty plec & also have 2 yamato shrimp. My plan is to eventually get 6 cardinals, 6 endler guppys & try to make the tank as colourful, yet a peaceful community aquarium.

Can anyone advise which fish would be a threat to the shrimp at all?

It is going very well so far, the rainbows are very interesting fish, with the males constantly displaying, what can I do to encourage breeding of these?

Many thanks.
1873teddy said:
Hi all, got my first stock for my 28 us gallon tank at the weekend, got 6 threadfin rainbows, a rusty plec & also have 2 yamato shrimp. My plan is to eventually get 6 cardinals, 6 endler guppys & try to make the tank as colourful, yet a peaceful community aquarium.

Can anyone advise which fish would be a threat to the shrimp at all?

It is going very well so far, the rainbows are very interesting fish, with the males constantly displaying, what can I do to encourage breeding of these?

Many thanks.

I love my TF Rainbows ! Avoid any bossy fast eaters. TFs have tiny mouths and do well with Nano fish. I have mine with Celestial Pearl Danios.

Yamato ? Same as Amano Shrimp I think, get decent sized. I think your stock will be ok. But personally I avoid Live Bearers, unless I only add a couple of males. Unless you want your tank over run with Endlers ;)
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