Water storage

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 18, 2012
Southern California
I was keeping some water on hand in specified buckets with lids but the water gets a mildew smell. Should I keep water on hand or what? How does everyone else do it?
I use a trash can open on top with a air hose in it. I have also used a powerhead to mix salts and what not. You don't want it to just sit around and not be moving if its going to be more then a day or two.
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I keep mine in buckets and its fine.. what kind of water are you keeping? Treated tap/ Ro/Di. / mixed saltwater?
I just keep mine in a 15 gal. bucket never had that problem before with any odor.
I keep mine in a 20 gal rubbermaid tote in the garage. I keep the cover open. I mix it about ever other dy and havent had a problem. Ive never smelled it though.
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