Water test kit

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 23, 2006
Northwest Indiana
Has anybody ever come across a test kit that has clear color "cards" instead of the printed ones?

I find that I sometimes have a tough time getting the color match especially when the sample falls between two standards. It would be nice if the standards were clear so that way you could hold it and the vial of test water up to a light source and compare both transparent colors together. I have a chlorine test kit that works this way but have never seen one for ammonia, etc.

I thought somebody out there might have come across such an animal.
Most of the AP kits are very easy to distinguish except for Nitrate. Which kit are you using?
I use the AP kit and nitrite is the one I have the most trouble with.

The truth is that I'm probably making a much bigger deal out of it than it needs to be. I have no fish yet and am anxious to see the nitrites come down so that I can get stocked.

I do think that a kit like this would sell. Hey, maybe this is my big break!!
What is your current Nitrate reading? You should really only have a problem when it gets really red. And if it's a dark red and you are having trouble distinguishing the number, do a water change. The tank needs it anyway no matter what the number is.
Nitrate is only ~10 but nitrite is still between .5 and 1.0 so I really don't trust that reading. Ilke I said, I don't have fish yet and am just rounding the last corner in the fishless cycle.
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