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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 18, 2009
I have too many fish in my 10g. I was hoping that my parents will buy me a bigger tank but that's not happening for at least a year. What do I do? Should I plant a few plants? I have 2 blue flames, 2 guppies, 2 silvertips and 8 SM neons. I have an airstone/pump constantly running.


Lots of water changes, plants will help too. Monitor the water stats (get a good testing kit) and change the water as needed based on the results. A high capacity filter or even an extra filter will help. Honestly, the inch per gallon rule is highly subjective. More of a guideline than anything. As long as your fish all get along and your water stats are safe its all good.
kelly is right to an extent. Adding extra filtration will help but if the fish are too crowded all the filters in the world won't make the fish happy! If it were my tank I would ditch the two pairs of tetras and keep the guppies and neons. I'm guessing SM neons = small neons?
I got my 20 gal tank from next to a garbage can. It replaced the ten that I found next to a garbage can.

Do you have some site like Craigslist? or does the LFS have used equipment. 20 gallons are real cheap used. Might check thrift stores too, that's where I got a 5 gal hex. I just got the 55 from craigslist, I traded for a surveillance video camera I had.

Save your allowance, look around, and you wont have to wait for Mom and Dad.
Do you have any kind of filter on the tank? If not, I suggest adding a HOB power filter. Undergravel filters aren't good for plants, but they're cheap and they work well as long as they're maintained. Get a HOB rated for 10-30g and you should be fine. I've had good luck with Penguins and Aquaclears.

As long as the fish are content, I don't think your tank is overstocked.
sponge filters are cheap and would hook right to your airpump.

Craigslist is a good place to find some deals as has been said.

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