What fish ?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 17, 2013
I'm looking at my new tank with my boyfriend and we are trying to find a nice size fish for my 55g, we currently have (moved from a leaking tank) guppies, platies, rosy tetras and danios. What would be a fish on the bigger size(4inches grown or maybe bigger if possible, smaller if they are really cool and interactive)..
My boyfriend likes the idea of catfish..I'm not sure, I like small fishes better, since we relocated my other tank in there I gave up on my blue ram I wanted so much (I heard they would rip my beautiful guppies apart)
Any idea would help!
If you want cats I would choose a school of about 10 cory cats. They are neat to watch and really adorable. They are bottom feeders too.
+1 cory cats
I love my hasbrosus Cory, so much fun and they hit the upper levels of the tank more than other breeds
+1 on Cory's. If u want a bigger catfish then try pitcus catfish or spotted or stripped Raphael. For mostly the main fish.... U could do gouramis, glass catfish, tiger barbs, big school of tetras or really most fish. U have a nice size tank
You could do a couple angels, and a group of Denison barbs (rose line sharks). They have beautiful coloration.
With these fish, you could still get a catfish. Bristle nose plecos max out at about 5-6 inches and are amazing algae eaters, you could have a couple of them in a 55.
I agree cory cats are very cute and fun though.
I would get 3-5 Denison barbs and a long finned albino bn pleco!!!! Denison barbs are my favorite fish!!!
Wow I love the Denison barb! How much should I get ? And do they have any special care ? Ok with fancy guppies (for the moment because I think I convinced my boyfriend to replace the leaking tank :) ) ?
And thanks everyone!!
They are great community fish!!! With your stock I'd get 3-5 of them!!! They are very peaceful so they should be good with guppies. They school great!
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