What is a good low growing plant?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 24, 2008
Gainesville, FL

I have a 55g with presurized CO2 and a couple plants growing. Please don't ask me for the names because I'm really bad at that-but I have uploaded a number of pictures.

I have sand as a substrate and I'm looking for something that is low growing and will spread all over. I'm wanting some kind of plant bed instead of just having the sand as the bottom.

Any ideas on what to get? Thanks!
For ground cover I really like four leaf clover and narrow leaf chain sword. Four leaf clover will form an all over cover that looks very nice and lush. The chain sword looks like a minature sword plant. It puts out runners and the little new shoots all over. So it will look like a bunch of little sword everywhere.

There are a number of other options. Those are just two of my favourites. Let me check the lighting for you though. What type of lighting do you have? I assume you have medium ligt since you are doing CO2.
I got some italian vallisneria that once it grows out enough should cover the bottom nicely, or at least how I want it to look
dwarf sags
hair grass
Marsilea minuta
E. tenellus
Lighting I have is around medium. I'm looking for something that is only 1" or so max height if possible and will eventually cover the entire bottom. I'll have to look into some of the ones listed. Thanks!
None of the plants Mgamer mentioned are an inch tall, except one he mentioned earlier. "HC" Heimanthius callichtroides is the shortest and smallest leafed known aquatic plant which is around an inch tall. It hugs the substrate and contours with the shape of the substrate showing every high, low, and crevice. HC is also known as dwarf baby tears.


All the other plants are either grass like or clover like and grow to be 3 to 6 inches tall.
can any one help me to find these Plants to buy in Toronto, Canada or is there a online shop i can buy four leaf clove or ground cover plants
can any one help me to find these Plants to buy in Toronto, Canada or is there a online shop i can buy four leaf clove or ground cover plants

I know that www.aquariumplants.com ships to Canada. They have decent prices on alot of plants and a good selection of specialty plants. They also have an amazing selection, albeit pricey of driftwood. Use the drop down menu on the left for "Aquarium Plants" to select different subtypes of plants such as low light or foreground.
Well, I bought new lights yesterday as well so now I have 2x40 watt normal lights and 2x54 wat T5 HO bulbs. I'm thinking it is around 4 watts/gallon now with the CO2 so hope it will work.

I bought some of the Dwarf Tears and some regular grass. I also got some more fert to help. Wish me luck!
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