What is the difference between fire red and red cherry shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 10, 2013
I'm confused as to what a fire red shrimp is exactly. I thought it was just a very red cherry shrimp, but some articles I read speak of them as if they are a separate species. Are they the same species or aren't they?
Some photos I viewed of fire red shrimp look a lot like my own "cherry shrimp". Do I have fire reds? The older females are almost entirely solid red, including their legs.


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RCS, Fire Reds, Painted Fire Reds and Pure Line Fire Reds are all the same species AFAIK. Some have been selectively bred so that they are super solid red, even the males. The very best, breed true with the offspring growing up to be deep red.

My regular RCS females are often a nice solid red. My males are usually much lighter.

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