What plants are these

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 6, 2012
The first one seems to be flourishing and already grew out of the water. The second is dying and losing leaves. I believe it was called an argentine sword. I wanted live plants and being ignorant I want to the LFS and grabbed the ones I liked.


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The first one looks like a melon sword. If the second one is an argentine sword, argentine sword aren't aquatic. Very common misconception. Don't give up one having plants. They are very fulfilling. I myself have boughten at least five non-aquatic plant since my entrance to planted tanks bit you learn and move foreword. Good luck.
All star always recommend low light plants, anubias, java fern, java moss, wisteria, anacharis,then depending on your tank and lighting you could do dwarf sag jungle Val, moneywort. The java fern, anubias, and java moss can be put on the driftwood you intend to buy. Java fern and anubias have a rhizome(thick horizontal root so to speak) that shouldn't be buried into gravel. If you don't put them on the wood just set them on the bottom of the tank without burying them and they'll work roots down to anchor themselves eventually.
Sillyfishies said:
It actually is not an argentine sword :(.... Stupid LFS

Who can blame um, they're in it to move product. Hold on to it in your tank, I have no idea what that plant is so maybe someone who knows will chime in.
Hah I'll find my own driftwood ;)! And I'll check out the java ferns/moss and the other plant. What can I buy from my LFS that might have some BB in it? I want my tank to cycle a bit faster!
There is stuff to buy but the best thing is time and patience. If you have fish in the tank already just be on point with your water changes. One thing you could buy is a test kit to keep track of where your tanks cycle is.
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