what to expect

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 10, 2012
could some one please let me know what to expect here...i just did a 90% water change yesterday in an attempt to start over...added conditioner, and a nutrafin cycle...when should i start testing and what am i to expect in regards to my numbers??
lisa264 said:
could some one please let me know what to expect here...i just did a 90% water change yesterday in an attempt to start over...added conditioner, and a nutrafin cycle...when should i start testing and what am i to expect in regards to my numbers??
Hello there! Could we get some specs on Ur tank? Size, stock and how long its been up? I would test daily regardless while cycling :) you probably won't see much in regards to parameter changes until you have an ammonia source. Are you fish in cycling?
Hello there! Could we get some specs on Ur tank? Size, stock and how long its been up? I would test daily regardless while cycling :) you probably won't see much in regards to parameter changes until you have an ammonia source. Are you fish in cycling?

hello my tank was up for 6weeks and then i found out that i needed an ammonia sorce...yester day i did al 90% water change and added conditioner and a cycle starter and a pinch of food..today i added more cycle starter per directions and tested the water and it was as follows..ph-8.4-alkaline-300, hardness-300, nitrites-0, nitrates-0, ammonia-.25...i have a 15 gallon with no fish yet.
lisa264 said:
hello my tank was up for 6weeks and then i found out that i needed an ammonia sorce...yester day i did al 90% water change and added conditioner and a cycle starter and a pinch of food..today i added more cycle starter per directions and tested the water and it was as follows..ph-8.4-alkaline-300, hardness-300, nitrites-0, nitrates-0, ammonia-.25...i have a 15 gallon with no fish yet.

Are you using test strips? I would encourage you to spend the extra money on an API liquid master test kit, they are much more accurate and last a long time, well worth the money :) I do not know much about fishless cycling as I have only done fish in, mumma.of.two or jlk can probably help you out with it once they see this, sorry I couldn't be if more help!
Nutrafin cycle doesn't work for the vast majority of people. Plus, if you're using starter of any kind, be sure to read the directions carefully. You're usually supposed to add fish soon thereafter.

Plus, if you're using starter, you don't need to use food, too.
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