What would be a good centerpiece fish for my 20G

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 18, 2011
I have a 20G Tall Tank with a Marineland Penguin 100B and Aqueon QuietFlow 20 filters.

My current stocking is:
7 x Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
3 x Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
4 x Albino Cory (Corydoras aeneus)
1 x Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
10 x Ghost Shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.)

And I have some plants:
1 x Anubias hastifolia
3 x Java (Microsorum pteropus)

I intend on re-homing the cories, as my wife thinks they look like little severed fingers swimming around the bottom of the tank. I would like to add in some RCS at some point, but I am looking for a good centerpiece fish. In some other posts I have asked this as a digression, but now I am starting to get closer to wanting to add something.

In a perfect world I would add something a little larger that would encourage the neons to school more and be colored yellow and blue.

My tank has a high pH of 8.2 (very, very stable at 8.2), and currently I do a 30-50% PWC about every week and a half (takes about that long for Nitrates to get high enough to warrant it).

In some PMs with severum mama she had mentioned a golden dwarf acara pair that sounds intriguing (I like the way they look), and the thought of breeding is cool, but I don't know about the cost of a fry tank, and they are smaller than what I had in mind.

Got any suggestions for me? I am sure all the threads about which fish drive people nuts, there's just so many options, and it is so hard to know what will work!

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