Which Plants??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2011
I'm after some advice on what plants to get for my 88L tank (30"x12"x15"), it will be stocked with Corys, guppies, a dwarf gourami and ottos.
I'm looking for some very easy to look after plants to have to make the best environment for my fish, but have no experoence whatsoever in plants I have one at the moment but its been shredded and died, probably because I haven't looked after it!
My water pH is around 7.4 and the ammo and nitrates are 0.
It will depend on what type of light do you have. Generally stock lighting on hoods is really only suitable for looking at the fish. With a slight upgrade to fluorescent bulb or a CFL, you could do low light plants like Anubias, Java Fern and Cryptocoryne with a 88L is somewhere around 20gal. Bulbs that are in the 20watt range with a color temperature of 6500K should work for the plants listed.
Thanks for that. I'm waiting on a new hood so will need to get a light once it it's done so at least now I know what one to get.
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