White stuff on inside of tank?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 11, 2011
It looks to be like dried milk kind of. im in the middle of cycleing so what could it possibly be?!
its covering my heater, and its starting to be on the top of my lid.
I am not positive, but I believe it is a microbial film. I have had the same thing on my heater, and my platys nibble on it. Maybe someone else will be able to give you a definate answer.

Sorry, didn't see that it was on your lid. That is likely a calcium build up...I have fairly hard water.
I'm not sure if it would be calcium build up though. I've had to clean that off of dry tanks before, but never seen it in a filled tank. Does a white calcium build up show up in water?

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
well, where it is on my cover, has never had water on it/touch it before.
If it is on the inside of the hood the water may evaporate and leave the minerals in you water. It covers the inside of my hood, especially where the light bulb guard is, because the water dries up faster. If you could get a picture of the hood and heater we might could get a better idea.
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