Why are the plants dieing?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 19, 2007
My plants fish are happy and my plants are growing vibrantly, but they keep dieing off at the same time. The temperature is 74 degrees. I'm using fertilizer pills in the substrate, both of which I got from aquariumplants.com, and that doesn't seem to be the problem.

The plant grows vibrantly, but sections of it die off. It's happening to both water sprite and anacharis, but not amazon swords, or saggitaria. I think the substrate and fertilizer pills are great. Ph is about 6.1 or 6.1. Anyone seen this before?


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Can you provide more information that might help in diagnosing the problem? How long has the tank been set up and when did you first notice your plants were dying off? How much light do you have on the tank? What kind and how often do you fertilize the plants? How do the leaves look (i.e. yellow, have holes, etc.)? Both of the species you mention as having problems primarily get their nutrients from the water (as opposed to getting it from their roots) so you may need to use a liquid fertilizer in addition to what you are doing now.
gheitman said:
Can you provide more information that might help in diagnosing the problem? How long has the tank been set up and when did you first notice your plants were dying off? How much light do you have on the tank? What kind and how often do you fertilize the plants? How do the leaves look (i.e. yellow, have holes, etc.)? Both of the species you mention as having problems primarily get their nutrients from the water (as opposed to getting it from their roots) so you may need to use a liquid fertilizer in addition to what you are doing now.

The tank has been set up for a year and is pretty stable.
2. The plants have being dieing off for at least 6 months. It seemed to get worse in the summer. There continues to be enough growth that I can throw out the bad and there is enough new, but it's a pain to have to be cleaning up like that all the time.
3. I have 130 watts on a 72 bowfront
4. I put new fertilizer pills in the substrate when the old ones get little, maybe once per 3-4 months. If the new growth is so healthy, I don't know why the old isn't, except that I have never used liquid fertilizers so the water is probably pretty sparse on nutrients.
With that amount of light and those plants it sure sounds like a nutrient deficiency. If you aren't putting any fertilizer into the water column I think you should. I'd recommend that you start using some liquid fertilizer such as Seachem's Flourish.
Does fertilizer in the water column increase algae problems? If not, why not?
Fertilizer in the water column can increase algae problems if out of balance. However, if your nutrients are in balance then having nutrients readily available in the water column will promote healthy plant growth instead. The key is balance, and affects your lighting and CO2 in addition to the nutrients.
gheitman said:
With that amount of light and those plants it sure sounds like a nutrient deficiency. If you aren't putting any fertilizer into the water column I think you should. I'd recommend that you start using some liquid fertilizer such as Seachem's Flourish.

I looked around and found the following:
Flourish Iron
Seachem Flourish
Flourish Potassium
Flourish Excel

So, what are you recommending when you say "Seachem's Flourish"?
Generally unless specifying a particular Flourish product, Flourish refers to the plain Flourish with comprehensive right under the name.

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