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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 4, 2011
My new plants are doing great under a light fixture that is not supposed to be able to support plant life. I also open the blinds for them as often as I can.

Ludwigia repens (one week) has retained it's red color and is rooting. I even planted the small bits that broke off and they are rooting too.

Dwarf Sagittaria (one week) started to wilt a bit but is now growing taller and showing new growth.

Banana plants (three weeks) grow a new leaf every week.

Big anubias (one week - not sure of exact species) is about the same but the "roots" are much longer.

Small anubias nana x3 (three weeks) have all doubled in size.

Rotala indica (< one week) is rooting and has roots growing off the stems that grow longer every day. Still retaining it's purple colors too.

Wisteria (< one week) is losing it's lower leaves but the tops are showing new growth and new leaves are starting to appear where the old ones dropped off.

Can't wait until my set of CREE LEDs come in so I can really see this stuff grow.
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