yellow tang in a 50?

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jeremy upshir

Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 19, 2014
can I put a yellow tang in my 50? or a fish that is like it? I will be getting a 200 gal in two years.. thanks
90% of people will say no. The fish store will say sure no problem.
I mean small one would be ok for a while but why not just wait until you have the bigger tank?
yeah that's what I thought..lfs said yeah that's plenty big enough, but I figured I would get some advise first, any suggestions on some similar fish? I have pair of perc. clowns and small clean up crew
How about a lemonpeel angel? They have that beautiful yellow color as well
About 4". They are not 100% reef safe but if you get a juvenile they are a lot less likely to pick at coral. They also will like some hiding places within your rock work. The more hiding places you have the more you will actually see then because they feel safe. Super active fish. You won't be disappointed
also are they reef safe? I read a little on them and I am getting impression that they like to destroy corals witch will be a big issue because I have a reef
whats your thoughts of the dwarf flame angle? they sound like they may be a little more safe for a reef
I'm pretty sure all dwarf angels fall into the same category. Just get them young for sure and don't put more then one in the same tank
ok sweet me and the wife really like the coral beauty. the flame would be second choice but they seem a little plain compared to coral beauty. thanks for all the reply's
You picked the safest of the dwarf angels in my mind. I have 3 dwarfs that get along okay and leave my corals alone. They are all over 10 years old.
ive had both flame angels and coral beautys and they both have behaved in terms of corals. as for a yellow tang in a 55.... i def wouldnt, one of my golden rules in this hobby is dont buy something unless you currently have the setup for it... buying fish for a planned future upgrade is asking for problems imo
yeah the more I thought about the tang I decided to just to wait until im ready for it. im going to have a tank built, going to try and go 500 gal if I can fit it
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