Recent content by Autumnsky

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Autumnsky

    Little Back Story on Az Fish Rescue Pendley's Plentiful Pets

    Sounds like a great story! It looks like you have quite a number of aquarium clubs in your area. I didn't see an official Aquarium Society. But I am sure you can find good homes. The Colorado Aquarium Society rescues lots of fish and help make sure they get to good fish loving homes, which...
  2. Autumnsky

    What kind of fish are you?

    This is a funny and tough question. I would think different days, different fish. I may often feel like a shrimp, constantly working in my existence, not unhappy, always busy. Feel like staying on the couch, maybe a Jellyfish. I think I need to be a Pencilfish. Just able to chill, sit...
  3. Autumnsky

    Can fish medications cause shrimp to go sterile?

    Additionally, it does often take a while for the new tank to form biofilm, and tiny things for them to feast on during the days of constant picking at surfaces for foods. It's often that it takes months for those to develop and breeding to start. And if the Neocaridina red cherry shrimp were...
  4. Autumnsky

    I only have my filter on for 30mins a day 😅 i have some questions about air pumps

    Aiken provides sound advice. An additional way to get what you need would be to scour free postings where people need to get rid of tanks and stuff, because their kids don't care about the fish anymore or, their fish died and they gave up, or moving, etc. Another way is when people post for...
  5. Autumnsky

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    There were a LOT of fish, but of course with 3 tanks a 10G a 30G and a 55G with metal stand. All the fish were in good condition. It looked like there had been a Glo fish tank in the 30G (large amounts of Glo rocks with black gravel). There were a nice, matured group of Tiger Barbs yellow...
  6. Autumnsky

    New Betta

    Welcome. Soil tanks can be a struggle. Many people love them. Hello to Pearl. I used to have a Pearl. Very sassy and friendly but bossed the tank. Those fish knew to make way for the boss. White pearl body with red fins.
  7. Autumnsky

    Gourami & Guppy Acting Weird—Help!

    What is your ammonia reading? Nitrite and Nitrate? Test, write down numbers. Doing a water change is usually a good idea even if you think the numbers are in the safe zone and you have an ill fish. Do a water change 25-30% then test again. If any numbers are near the high range or the...
  8. Autumnsky

    Pregnant guppy when will she drop

    She would get squared looking in her body, pics look like she's getting there and probably hiding to have babies. Do you have babies now?
  9. Autumnsky

    New here...greetings

    Nice to have you. Welcome to the community!
  10. Autumnsky

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    Really great that you can add photos!
  11. Autumnsky

    Angelfish breeding pair or fighting??

    Ok, Angellfish Whisperer. Facts are the same. The one to listen to!
  12. Autumnsky

    "Inherited" an Aquarium

    Life really keeps your schedule full up!!! So happy to see you back!!!
  13. Autumnsky

    Angelfish breeding pair or fighting??

    Andy is the master of Angelfish!!!
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