Raise ph

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 6, 2021
Spring Valley, NY
I’m in middle of setting up a 5 gallon reef tank. My ph is low but my kh is at a good level. Any recommendations for a buffer that will raise and stabilize my ph without effecting my kh levels?
Ph 7.8
KH 11 drops/ 196.9
At this point, I wouldn't do anything. Chasing a Ph is like chasing the wind. You are still in the " safe" zone with Ph (7.7- 8.3 ) and the Kh will get absorbed by your Corals so you just want to keep tabs on your nitrate and calcium levels so that they don't lower your Ph any further. When your KH level reduces to close to 8, Seachem makes a marine buffer for an 8.3 Ph reading.
Ok, thanks. My lfs gave me the advice of using either aquavitro 8.4 or crushed coral from caribSea, to help. What do you think about using any of those or just leave it for now?
Ok, thanks. My lfs gave me the advice of using either aquavitro 8.4 or crushed coral from caribSea, to help. What do you think about using any of those or just leave it for now?
Here's the thing: if you have livestock in the tank and it's doing okay under the current parameters, there's no need to change anything. If you are setting up the tank and there is no livestock in it yet, there is no need to correct anything until you are ready to add some livestock. At that point, using a buffer will be more immediate while the crushed coral will take some time to dissolve enough for you to see any results. I've not used the aquavitro product so I can't tell you if it's better than seachem's buffer or not. You should do some " googling" to get a comparison of the 2 products to see if there is any real difference between them then go from there. (y)
Ok, thanks!
I should also add that the Ph will fluctuate throughout the day and so taking multiple readings at different times of the day may help you see a " true" Ph value. Carbon dioxide also can contribute to the lowering of the Ph so make sure you have good surface agitation for an exchange of gases. Sometimes just adding an air stone is all it takes to raise the Ph level. (y)
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