Hello! Great to meet all of you!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 9, 2023
Hiya! It's awesome to join this community!

I have four freshwater fish tanks at home that I've kept for many years. The first has axolotls and a few golden dojo loaches. The second has a couple ribbed newts, some livebearers and a betta fish. The third has two moor goldfish and a school of tetras. And the fourth is our gigantic tank with a couple bichirs, a clown knifefish, and a gilled lungfish (he's a whopping 24" as of last week, and is my lovable big-little man!).

I joined because I'm looking for active aquarium enthusiasts that would be willing to provide some of their real-life experiences with their own aquarium fish. I'm a college professor (I teach game art related things), and getting my Masters degree in game design at the moment, and am currently in the midst of developing my thesis, which is an interactive gameplay experience! It's called Young Aquarist, and it's a fishkeeping game in the virtual pet genre, specifically designed for children during middle-childhood development to aid in the learning of confidence, responsibility, and most importantly, empathy; it also has accessibility built into its very design to aid children with learning disabilities and behavioral development issues.

I plan to make a post within the next few days to ask specific questions about everyone's personal experiences with their fish, which would be helpful for me to have more real-life examples! There aren't very many fishkeepers around my area that I can ask curious questions of, so I think reaching out and meeting people here would be a great start!

Thank you for your time! :whistle:

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