What OFS (online fish stores) do you use?

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I have not ordered fish online. I have ordered plants online from azgardens.com. I was happy with the condition of the plants and will order from them again. They currently have a sale 10 anubias $39, 10 swords $39 and an aponogeton group on sale.

I've also ordered had goods from petmountain.com. I got all my flourish elements, 3 lights and some filter pads. I saved a huge amount off the petco, petsmart and LFS prices. I would order from them again.

I would like to know which online stores are sponsors here at aquarium advice so I can make sure I support the site through purchasing/commision.
Petsolutions.com is great, Dr 's Foster & Smith, petmountain.com, and MarineDepot.com are all good, too. Pet solutions even helps you when the product has lousy directions.

I haven't ordered live fish online yet.

(Friend of Bill W., One day at a time)

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