Blue Gourami – Trichogaster trichopterus

Gouramis, in general are relatively easy to breed. The male has a pointier, longer dorsal and anal fin while the female’s is shorter and rounder.

Scientific Name: Trichogaster trichopterus
Common Names: Blue Gourami, Three-Spot Gourami

Region: Asia
Maximum Size: 5″ (12.7cm)
Average Adult Size: 4″-5″
PH Range: 6.0-8.7
Hardness: 5-35 dGH
Temperature: 73-86F (22-36C)

The Blue Gourami is also known as the Three-Spot Gourami, even though they really only have two black spots on their body. The third ?spot? is actually their eye. The Blue Gourami is an extremely hardy fish that can tolerate a wide range of conditions as far as ph, water hardness, water quality, temperature, and tank mates.

One of the most interesting qualities of this species, along with all other gourami species is its ability to breath air. This is made possible by a special organ called the labyrinth organ, which is located just above the gills. This organ takes oxygen from the air, to complement or add to the oxygen taken from the water via the gills. As a result of the location of this organ, the gills are smaller in size than that of a non- anabantoid (fish that contain the labyrinth organ are called anabantoid fish) fish.

Another interesting physical feature of gouramis in general are their feelers. They have two feelers on the underside of their body that they use to investigate objects or fish.

The Blue Gourami loves a variety of food. In fact, the Blue Gourami needs a variety of food to be its healthiest. Flake food, brine shrimp (frozen, freeze dried or live), bloodworms, meat flakes, etc. are just some of the foods accepted by this species.

The Blue Gourami makes an excellent tank-mate in a community tank. They live best with fish around their size, small schooling fish, and bottom dwellers. The Blue Gourami is a top to mid-dweller in the aquarium, and that should be considered when looking for ideal tank mates. Males may be more territorial and aggressive, so it is not suggested to keep males together. If this is attempted because the tank is of substantial size, or the vegetation is thick, and physical harm is inflicted, the aggressor should be taken out immediately, as they will fight to the death on most occasions. Although a male and a female get along most of the time, the same previously described precaution should be taken.

Blue Gouramis love thick vegetation, especially floating plants. If the tank is not a planted tank, add fake plastic or silk plants to the gravel bed and leave some to float.

Gouramis, in general are relatively easy to breed. The male has a pointier, longer dorsal and anal fin while the female’s is shorter and rounder. The male makes a bubble nest at a selected location at the water line of the tank. The bubble nest is a combination of bubbles and mucus, and can also include other items found in the tank, such as plant leaves or stems. Once the fish have mated, the female lays her eggs inside the bubble nest. The male then stands guard and aggressively protects the nest from every inhabitant of the tank, including the mother.

The blue gourami is a great fish for aquarists of any rank, and can quickly claim a place in your heart!

Personal experience
Last update: 2006-02-06 10:37
Author: lmw80