Featherfin Squeaker – Synodontis Eupterus

Typically found upside down “resting” on the bottom side of driftwood or other cover, its ability to maneuver between objects with such delicacy is amazing.

Synonyms: Featherfin Synodontis

Common Names: Featherfin Catfish

Category: Catfish

Family: Mochokidae

Origin: Central Africa

Main Ecosystem: Rivers & Lakes

Salinity: Freshwater

Temperment: Typically Shy and hiding but can be somewhat aggressive and territorial over time. This fish is often kept with cichlids due to its ability to defend itself.

Diet: Omnivore (Freeze dried blood worm, mysis shrimp, and sinking catfish pellets)

Care: An extremely hardy fish, but can be sensitive to nitrates. This fish will like to dig in the substrate looking for food and hiding, so sand or fine substrate is essential.

PH: 6.5 – 8.0

Temperature: 75-82 degrees

Hardness: Unknown

Potential size: 6-8 inches

Water Region: Bottom (under cover)

Activity: Nocturnal

Lifespan: Likely 12-16 but up to 18

Color: Round bodied fish, grey with black lines as a juvenile which develops to black dots on a pale body as it ages.

Mouth: Large with 3 massive and intriguing barbels

Sexing: Unknown

Acclimation: Drip method to attain temperature and PH balance

Breeding: Not yet achieved in captivity

Comments: This fish is fascinating to watch. Typically found upside down “resting” on the bottom side of driftwood or other cover, its ability to maneuver between objects with such delicacy is amazing. As time goes by, it learns who will feed it and mine waits for me in the morning.

Last update: 2006-08-18 21:15
Author: jcarlilesiu