cichlid question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 21, 2002
Greencastle, PA
Jeez, I just bought the things and I already have a question! Well here it is...I noticed some weird behavior from the yellow labs today. Two were constantly doing what can only be described as chasing each others' tail. I tried to get a pic but when I moved they stopped and were like "what"? Is this aggressive behavior or is it...
wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean?
I don't know anything about yellow labs LOL but say no more, say no more *grin*
Does the trailing fish rush up in front of the lead fish and then stall and start fanning its tail? If so, turn the lights down low, pop the Champaign, put on some soft music and leave then be. :D

If not:
In my experience if they where trying to determine dominance they would eventually face one another and bite at each others eyes, sides, or lock mouths. If one HAS determined dominance and can't live with the other being in the tank at all, he may relentlessly chase the other until it is driven to the top of the tank or behind the heater/filter. If this is the case you may want to take the more aggressive fish back to the store for a different one. Be prepared to go through this again as there is always the possibility the next pair will not get along either. Housing Africans can sometimes be like putting together a puzzle.
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