How Frequent Should One Gravel Vacuum?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 16, 2011
Yes, I know it is a broad question and depends on a number of variables. But let's just say that a 40-50% PWC weekly keeps my paramaters in check. I have been deep-gravel vacuuming every week as well, but there really has been very little waste in the water. About once per month I totally rearrange the tank so I can completely deep-gravel vacuum the entire tank, including the waste that accumulates under the decor and hiding spots. Should one gravel-vac every time they do a PWC, in general?
You could always try skipping a week (vacuuming) and see how your nitrates look.
I do a 25% PWC with a gravel vac every weekend. I do a 15% PWC with no gravel vac midweek. My Nitrites and ammonia stay at zero and Nitrates less than 30. Works for my tank and I'm generous with food, compared to some.
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