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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 8, 2014
I have stripped my cichlid of her fry now and they all look alright. They're not eating the flakes or pellets that we put in the container, so do I have to buy baby brine shrimp? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1401997630.863192.jpg they are pretty much free swimming.

My female on the other hand is breathing extremely heavy. Is this normal? She seems to be freaking out. She's only about 3 inches, and we got 14 fry out of her.
shes gonna be a bit stressed buddy just put her back in her tank give her some food and leave her alone for a while, as for the fry grind up some flake food and feed sparingly
And if your fry has a sack or bubble like underneath they won't eat. In a couple of days it shrinks away.
They have actually been little pigs! I bought frozen baby brine shrimp, and they ate it like crazy. They've also eaten pellets and peas. :) they're doing pretty great. :)
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