12 Nano Cube

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 7, 2010
Hi everyone, I have a few questions to everyone that has had experience with the 12 Gallon Nano Cube. I got it this morning and was wondering if it needed a Protein Skimmer and a UV Sterilizer and if so what model? Also how was your experience with the Nano Cube. Thanks!
From what i have been told, a protein skimmer is not NEEDED in such a small tank but it doesnt hurt to have one. i have a 14 gallon biocube and this is what I have been told when I asked the same question. hope that helps! good luck
Np. Do you plan on doing a reef tank with corals or just fish and live rock? Also my tank is very similar to yours just a different manufactor and slight differences so as far as my expierence, I love it! it was and is my first saltwater tank and so far its thriving and doing great. just research and ask lots of questions :p everyone on here is very helpful and friendly.
Yes I do plan on keeping some soft corals and a Pajama Cardinal. And what equipment do you have on your tank? I know they make a protein skimmer and a UV for the Biocube so I was thinking it could work in mine.
I know soft corals are fine with your lighting. About the protein skimmer, well ive heard nothing but bad news about the oceanic biocube one but then again I have never used it personally so I cant say, as for the UV im not really sure about that one. Im sure they would both fit in your setup though,maybe with a little modding. You may need another power head too, such as the Koralia nano, thats going to be my first 'hardware" addition to my tank
it's pretty easy to do weekly water changes on a tank of that size, so most would suggest (including myself) to have as little extra components hanging on the side of the tank as possible, so not to make an otherwise beautiful thing look ugly.
i wouldn't bother with a UV sterilizer either. you aren't going to see a difference either way.
Ok cool. I was just looking at the UV on a few sites and it says it has a universal adapter for other Nano Tanks. And I found another pump that I like so I'm going to get that. And if the Protein Skimmer isn't necessary I will just keep up on water changes instead of going through the trouble.
Oh sorry Mr.X I posted my message right after you did and I could not see it, but I still think I will consider the UV sterilizer.
well a new pump wont really be necessary, but whatever floats your boat. and yes the UV isnt worth it either, if anything get a hydor koralia 240GPH, maybe a hydor flo.

a palama cardinal would be fine for your tank as well
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