Nanocubes?? do i?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 18, 2004
Rolling meadows IL
i am thinking about trying a Nano reef....i have been for 2 years now with my 55gallon and with some good success...i would like to try a nano i need to use a protein skimmer?

I have had my nano for approximately 5 weeks. I do not have a skimmer and things are going good.
My coralline algae is growing and lots of life is sprouting within the tank.

On a 20g and under, I would just do water changes. Most of the cheaper, smaller skimmers aren't very efficient (IOW, a water change would probably remove more), and I can't justify spending on a Remora or Bakpak which would be way overrated for a nano.
If possible, definitely go with a skimmer. I thought I was OK without one, tank was doing fine, then when I got one running, it pulled an amazing ammount of junk out of the water, even though I did weekly water changes and had a very low bioload.
Well, I am setting mine up next week... a 10 standard or 12 mini bow (undecided). with 15 pounds LR and HOB with LR rubble and a PH. I will run carbon on and off as well. I will not be using a skimmer at this point unless I see I need it down the road. I plan to have a small small bio load for this tank, small clown, cleaner shrimp, maybe a clown goby and clean up crew.

In anycase, Good luck! It's been exciting getting ready for this little adventure... I too have only had a 55g reef, so this is new to me as well.

Keep us posted!
I ran a 10g for over a year skimmerless, just did weekly water changes. Never had any major algae out break. If you are going skimmerless having at least minimum of 1lb/gallon live rock will help with filtration.

I now run Remora skimmer on my 14g and do bi-weekly water changes and all is good so far. I don't run my Remora 24hr a day because my tank is near my bed and I cant sleep well with it going. My skimmer runs for 17hrs a day.

IMO anything under a 20g you really don't need a skimmer if you do your water changes and don't over feed. I'm just a lazy person and a year of water changes every weekend burned me out so I use a skimmer now.
I love my nano! If you have some experience under your belt, give it a shot. By doing small weekly water changes you can get by just fine without a skimmer.
Ive had a 7 gallon nano for about 2 years now. This tank is awesome! It is teaming with life. I have countless snails (probably over 150), a bunch of miniature brittle stars, assorted mushrooms, xenia, a small bubble coral, and suprisingly even a goniopora. Coralline algae like crazy! I do not have a skimmer, just do about a gallon water change once a week and run carbon 24/7.

Good Luck!
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