aqua medic turboflotor

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 22, 2003
Rosemount, MN
ok so i want to know about this skimmer. we have thme at work and they are not that $$$ and it helps that i get it at cost. i think it is the 1000. it will be going on my 46 gal reef tank, in the 20h tank fug. is it worth bringing home? the other skimmers that we have at work are the red sea (might think about getting the berlin) and then we have one that is like 3 ft tall and it rated for about a 200+ gal tank. i think that is too much for my 46 reef. i know it is not the remora or the ev or any thing like that but i dont have that cash for it right now. and it would be getting it at cost so it will be cheap.
If its The Turbo Floater Multi 1000.. Its one heck of a skimmer.. I love it and it can handle large aquariums too.. Actually IMO its better than the Remora..Which BTW I have as well so I can fairly judge the 2 skimmers..Its now better than the EVO but hey not many skimmers are cept maybe 1 or 2 of the E.T.S.S. Skimmers...If it were me.. I'd get it... The Berlin (Which I have as well) Is prob. only good in case of an emergency like if one of your other skimmers fail on ya..Otherwise The Berlin isn't worth a squat... HTH
I have 2 multi's and a regular 1000. I like the multi's much better. They are on my 175 and my 100. They do a great job. With yours being a 46, you MAY find you are overskimming and only need to run it once in awhile. But that is not a bad thing.
The AM skimmers are nice. I think they are up there with the AQUAC'S in terms of performance.
well i got one from work to day. i did get the aqua medic turboflotor 1000 i got it for like $120 and we sold it for $220 so i think it was a good deal. but now i was looking at it and how to install it. i want to set it in my sump (or out side) and just pump the water in to the inlet. about how many gph should i put throught it? right now i was trying a cap 1200 pumping water to it but i think it was way too much flow because it no longer makes and bubles after 30 sec. and would there be a way to get the think to set under my stand and just pump watre to and from the thing? if not can it just sit in the sump? or do i have to make an over flow just for that skimmer?
600 gph pump? do you put a ball valve on the inlet line? and dose any one know of a place i can order the hang-on kit for this skimmer? the thing is too big to put in the sump. i would like to hang it on the back of the sump tank but the lfs dose not have it i dont think.

do you think i could use a mj 1200 to pump the water in to the skimmer? and should i put a ball valve on it you think?

i really like the looks of this skimmer and i think it will work great once i get it all hooked up. and now after looking on the net i got it for a damn good price. and i only read good things about it. now i want to see how much stuff it will pull out of my tank. i know the one i have now is not cutting it.
really thats it? sweeti willl have to get one from the lfs next time i work. now i think i have to mod this thing to sit out side of the tank. the 20h tnk that will be the fug that i wantd it to sit in is just too small. (like .5 inch)
alright so the idea i had before was to put in in a 20h tank but i found out after trying to get it in the stand that the tank is just like a 1/2 inch too big to fit in the stand. i would have to take the tank down and move the stand out to get iit in there. so i found a 10 gal that i had and now i am useing that. but this think makes just a ton of bubbles. is there any way to prevent that? and the out pipe things always fall off. they are not on there very good. any idea how to get them to stay on? maybe i will look for that buble trap thing.

so i went from a proclear wet/dry and skimmer to a 10 gal with a way better skimmer. but i wish i could have been able to get a fug too. oh well i think i will just ahev to get a ton of live rock and pack that sump full of live rock and it will be just as good.
yes but i do not have that box on it. the box that prevens the air bubbles from going in to the sump. but i have riged up some thing with a lot of sponges and some live rock. now i am not getting bubbles in to the return pump. but now i have more room for live rock. YES!!!! you can never have too much of that stuff. but i will have to see if the lfs has that box, i have to go up there in a few min to get a maxi-jet 600 (like you said) to pump the water in to the skimmer. right now i ahve a cap 1200 on it. and that is pumping 550 gph in to the skimmer. i think that might also be part of my problem. but i have had it on the tank for about 30 min and it already has pulled out some green skim from the water so i know it is working well.
I love the box that came w/ mine, that is where I keep two bags of Chemi-pur. The return water from the skimmer has a perfect flow for that type of application.
Keep me posted
well i just got back from the lfs and got me the mj 600 now i ahve to recal the thing. i had it working good with the cap 1200. it took out some stuff from the water, but will now try it with the mj. i will keep you posted.
so i went to the lfs to day and talked to one of the guy there and they just gave me the box to stop the bubbnles. i guess they have to take it out of the box to fit the pump in it so you are paying for it. i also got a check valve for the retunline from the sump. man are those thing $$$ the store wanted $34 for it. but man i love that skimmer now. no bubbles and it is alread kicking out stuff. it just took some time for me to get it set right. i will post some pic tomorrow after school of the full sump.

and with the extra room i got about 6 lbs of live rock rubble from the lfs too. and i still can add more. i think i have about 10 lbs + in the sump right now.

hey dose a fug need sand? or can i put some plants down there with just the live rock rubble? i would like some mangroves and some other macro.
Mangroves need something to plant them into. Most macros you can let tumble in the current. If you combine types you might end up with one outcompeting the other for nutrients and killing off the weaker macro.
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