Atlantic and Pacific Cowfish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2003
Chicago, IL
I have started a new tank dedicated to Cowfish and Boxfish. I currently have a longhorned Pacific cowfish and recently added an Atlantic Cowfish also. The longhorn is such a crackup, he has as much if not more personality then my porcpuffer. My 2 year old comes up to the glass and kisses it, and the longhorn (bessie, he names it), always comes over to kiss him back.

Anyway..... the question was about the Atlantic. I have been doing some digging and I can not find a single picture or reference on the web that looks like this fish, or talks about it. It is a totally different shape then the longhorn, almost triangular. Also it seems to have the ability to change color quite abit. It will go from almost white, with vivid blue spots, to yellow and black mottled. Anyone have any experience with this fish and shed some light on the subject.

that was exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks alot. Lots of good info and gave me some new ideas.... :idea:
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