attach arcadia metal halide 3 (but not to the wall)?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 17, 2003
cornwall, england
does anybody know of a way that i can attach these over my tank but without drilling into the wall or ceiling?
I have my pendant hanging from the ceiling. I put in two hooks in the ceiling (butterfly hooks) and the pendants wires hang from them. If I ever move the tank or tear it down, they can stay where they are at and I can hang a lamp or hanging plants from them.

If this is not acceptable, you could possibly build some legs for the pendant so it is sitting above the the tank...but not hanging from anything.
A suggestion !
Go to a place where they sell hydroponic stuff to grow plants and they have beautifull ajustable stands that you can purchase and hang your lights at the height you want !! They even sell reflectors and MH cheaper than some LFS .
Happy shopping
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