Clam in tank - how long should I keep it in there?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2004
Ohio USA

I have a Valentini puffer in a 30g tank. I put a clam in from the grocery store this morning for him, but he didn't tear it apart like some said he would. He picked at it, and I could tell from his stomach growing that he did eat some, however there is a lot left over.

How long would it be safe to leave it in there for him? I'm leaving it in overnight because I read that they mainly hunt at night. I just dont want it to cause an ammonia spike or anything.

Also, this tank is at work and we are going to have two 3-day weekends in a row coming up. I thought that if it's okay to leave it in from Thursday to Monday morning, then we could do that for him to eat over the 3-day weekends.

Practically no clean-up crew. Can you suggest one? I have 3 turbo snails and 2 burrowing snails...can't remember their names.
You probably need some blue or red legged hermit crabs but I don't think they will fare very well with a puffer. I'm surprised the snails are still alive .
A brittle star will be a very efficient scavenger in your tank. Peppermint shrimp and hermit crabs would definately be great. Don't know much about puffer compatabilit with invertebrates. HTH
The turbo snails are way too big for the puffer to eat. They have real hard shells. And the burrowing snails are under the sand, so he can't see them...I would think they are too big too.

The puffer is only 1.5" big, and will only grow to 3". We are feeding him small snails though that he can eat for his teeth.

So, back to the question...without a cleanup crew, how long can I keep it in there?

In the meantime, I'll check out brittle star, hermits, etc. Thanks.
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