cyano gone!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 1, 2005
rockport, massachusetts
I just spent one week away on vacation, leaving my aquarium to my trusted daughter. She fed and topped off perfectly, and I opted to leave the lights off for the week. Cyano, which had been wicked for about 6 weeks, is gone! I hardly dare turn the lights on again!!

Also, while I was away, my new test kits arrived, including the seachem phosphate test. I've been using tap water, which you all had me worried about, but the phosphate test shows ZERO on the tap water. Tap water is also ZERO on nitrate.

Is this a miracle? Was all the cyano due to too much light? Or is it a new-tank thing? Tank has been running since April, with two percula clowns, one (soon to have friends) green chromis, and a condy anemone who is flourishing and hasn't moved an inch since he arrived a month ago. Everyone is very happy right now, lucky me!
I would be feeding the condy....the lights off on it for a week is not really a good thing. Give it something meaty.
Thanks, Hara, yes, the first thing I did when I got home was give the condy a piece of squid, and he thanked me most graciously! I also forgot to mention my CBS and two serpent stars, who got nice post-vacation meals, too! They all seem to feed quite well off the regular tank offerings, but they also are target-fed.
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