Damsels and Eels

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2004
Jacksonville, Florida
So without a doubt, I should take the damsels out before introducing new fish. I have heard they are agressive. They have shown some of that characteristic between each other the past few weeks. Does the size of the fish determine if they can hold their own or not. Say I brought a larger fish into the tank. Can the Damsel inflict damage even though it is smaller? Sorry for the basic questions. Just need to know what to do with them once I decide to get my desired fish into the tank. Can anyone tell me about eels?

An eel with either find your hermits delicious, your fish delicious, your anemones delicious, or a combination of the above.
If you go with a snowflake eel, they are not too aggressive. You can probably say goodbye to your hermits and snails, but should leave your other fish alone. The only time my snowflake ever gets aggressive towards my other fish is when it's feeding time. Eels have very poor eyesight so he goes around the tank blindly snapping when he thinks he's found food. None of my fish have gotten any injuries though, they usually put him in his place pretty fast. Not the brightest animal, but a lot of fun to watch.
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