Enough fish??

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 9, 2004
I know it all depends on your individual setups but I was wondering if I could squeeze a couple more fish in my reef tank. Currently I have a 120gal reef with 120lbs LR and a DSB. My fish consist of:
1 yellow tang
2 lyretail anthias
1 bartlett anthias
1 flame angel
1 skunk dotty
1 mandarin
1 lawnmower blenny
1 firefish
2 bangaii cardinals
2 maroon clowns

I want to possibly get a couple more anthias if they will fit in.

how deep is your sand bed and are you thinking of any corals and inverts since you are already carrying a pretty big bio load. Also what other filter source shall you have, are you consdering a refuguim or Nitrate filter, if you are then it's possible to add maybe 1 or 2 more fish IF AND ONLY IF.
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