fast and good at aglae eating

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2003
Winnipeg, Manitoba
im looking for some snails that are fast and good at algae eating, i bought some deep water turbo snails and there is nothing turbo about them, they seem too only work for about 6 hours of the day and sleep/rest the rest of the day away. :x
i have astreas, nerite, nassarius and a few margaritas in my 29. Prob 40-45 total. They do "rest" but i think the key is in the numbers
I would recommend keeping a good variety of snails. I have astreas, bumblebees, cerinths (good sand sifters), nerites and margaritas. They may each have slightly different tastes and behaviors. Happy snailing :rainbowafro:
iv had astreas before and didnt like them at all always had too help them flip over, i think i will go with a bunch of different types. how many snails would be good for 70gal theres only 15 blue legged hermits and 12 turbo snails so far
My favorite algae snail is the nerite. Astreas are fine, but they do fall over once in a while. If your tank is big enough, a fighting conch does a great job on the substrate. Although nassarius snails will eat some algae, they primarily stay in the sandbed searching for detritus, uneaten food, ect...
I'm not aware of any of the snails above eating, let alone looking at the most common types of nuisance algae.
e-cat said:
iv had astreas before and didnt like them at all always had too help them flip over, i think i will go with a bunch of different types. how many snails would be good for 70gal theres only 15 blue legged hermits and 12 turbo snails so far

I bought 5 of them and they keep falling over and if I don't notice in time the hermits eat them and take there shell, I think I have 1 left. Needless to say I own't buy anymore or maybe will get rid of my hermits?
iv never had a broblem with my hermits takeing my snails shell iv always kept and hand ful of empty shells in there for them too take.
I have cerinth snails that do a good job all around. They often burrow in the sand and stir it up. They also clean off the rocks and glass. They've been reproducing in my tank and best of all they can usually right themselves if they fall.
I have probably 10 red/blue leg hermits and a couple with white claws. I do have a bunch of extra shells but now that I think of it none of the hermits take the shells, they just eat the snail.
I have a mixture of snails and crabs. I have found the snails are better at eating leftover food detrius, etc. The crabs eat a little algae but the majority of my algae consumption is done by my urchin! I have 65 crabs and they do not compare to one urchin!
i have astreas and blue leg hermits and they keep all the algae down really well. Depends on where you have it, if its on the sand bed then hermits are good cuz astreas wont go in the sand and if its on the lr and walls the snails rip it up.
Trochus snails are appealing to the eye and also help keep the glass clean of algaes. They move around fairly fast.
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