Got a good deal. Will this be enough lighting for corals?

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EL Diablo

Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2004
I saw a pretty good deal at my LFS that I'd jump on if it fits my lighting

I want to start corals soon so this might be a good buy.
Let me know what you guys think. will this be enough lighting for most corals?

Coralife 36'' Aqualight PRO
one HQI MH Metal Halide 150 watt 10K double-ended
two 65 true actinic Compact Fluorescents
Two one watt blue-moon-glow LED lamps

My tank is a 72 gallon bow

Appreciate the Help

i wanted the 48" model but its 1149$ canadian!

way over my buget

how much did you get it for
Well I just did it.
I didnt even want to wait. just got back from the LFS

I just picked up the Coralife 48'' It cost me $700.00
didnt want to cheap out on the lighting.
I could have gotten the 36'' for $350.00 but the 48'' is better.

2 150 watt MH
2 96 watt true actinic fluorescents
3 1 watt blue-moon-glow LEDs

All in one.

the stands didnt fit on the bow so 2 pieces of wood will do it for now.

The SW fever hit even harder! I also picked up an Artica 1/10 HP Chiller

the tank looks great! cant wait to start on corals soon.
Christmas in September.

It's a mess now, I am cleaning up and organizing this mess :lol:
they are great lights. we sell them at work and they are just great. did it come with the legs? that is how we have ours set up in the store.
very nice. I have been thinking about getting that fixture. I also have a 72 gal. BF. $700 is a pretty good price for it. Let me know how you like it.
klam said:
Those are some nice looking lights. What's your plan on mounting the lights?

The stands or legs it came with wont fit the 72 gallon bow.

I am not interested in hanging the fixture so I am going to go with
a cleaner version of what I am using temporarily. I just threw
up any 2 even height blocks of wood to see if it would work, like you see in the pic above. And it works great.

A nice fitting piece of finished wood to match the tank stand or maybe black to match the fixture on both sides for support will do the trick.

I cant imagine having this set up and not having the chiller. It
creates a lot of heat. I highly recommend a chiller. It's nice
to not worry about the temp.

The lights are awesome. I am very happy with them.
I'll post up pics tonight and include one with the moonlights.
They look really cool at night.

Next mission is to catch the crabs...
Why don't the legs work on a 72 gal. bow front? That will be a deciding factor in whether or not I get this fixture. Thanks...Lando
lando said:
Why don't the legs work on a 72 gal. bow front? That will be a deciding factor in whether or not I get this fixture. Thanks...Lando

The reason why the lighting fixture wont
fit my bow tank is the tanks length is 13''
at the edges. The lighting fixture is 14''

The legs for the stand will only fit on the corner
of the tank. It needs the 90 degree angle of the corner
to sit in correctly.

I made my own stand that works fine.

I used 14'' 2x4 to make a wood stand like the picture I posted on the first page of this thread, only I cut the wood to fit correctly.

So the corners of the fixture over lap the curve of
the tank by an inch. It doesnt look bad at all.
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