Hermit crab question..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Hey guys I have a quick question for you regarding a cleanup crew.. It is becoming very evident that the 9 turbos and the 2 moon snails that I have in my 55 with 50lbs LR are unable to keep up with the algae.. I mean it's not nearly like it was during my daitom bloom but the problem is that They are losing the algea war.. I want to kinda help them out a bit so I don't have to pick the algea away from my featherdusters on my rock once a week and scrubbing the glass and all anyway I need some help in there. I was thinking some blue legged hermits but here is the thing I need aglea eaters and I am not crazy about them one day going after a snail for a new shell.. Will they kill my snails.. and what do you guys think of like a fighting conch?? LoL my wife makes fun of me for worrying about snail lives, but hey I am trying to keep everything alive LoL..

Your tank is still really pretty young (a few weeks/months right...sorry, poor memory :wink: ) right? If so, nuisance algae normally comes with the territory in the beginning until the "good" algaes like coralline are able to take hold. One concern since you are trying to keep everything alive (I am the same way) is that you may get too many herbivores and then when your good algae outcompetes the nuisance you may have a shortage of food. Just a thought to consider, I have no idea how many snails you currently have but I would add in small groups rather than trying to conquer it at one time. Although, you will always have to scrub the glass.

You will hear a variety of good and bad stories about all colors of hermits, I have tried them all and there are rogues in each. There is no way to guarantee either way that snails will be slaughtered or not touched at all.....it is a big crap shoot. I now favor utilizing only different snail species, but that is just my personal choice. If you add extra shells, you might curb their house-hunting a little bit while getting to enjoy the dynamic they add to the tank.

A fighting conch does a fine job on the sandbed, I don't see the harm in adding one for something new. Good luck deciding, when all else fails flip a coin. :wink:
Thanks hoops I have 11 total snails, thats it .. and yeah my tank is about 2 months old.. Ok then I will see if I can find a conch and just stay with the snail only approach ... I will get a few more snails perhaps like mabye a few margarita and a few bumblebee.. Yeah I have no problem cleaning the glass just doing it sometimes 2 times a week is a pain.. Yeah Thanks for reminding me that one day when all the algea is gone food will be harder to come by for them.. That day is coming quick though the coraline is growing like crazy I even have it on glass now.... yay!!!!!
Conchs' are absolutely adorable and easy to get attached to and their eyes are so cute. They do a great job on the sandbed as stated by Doan, but beware of those crabs--they also got attached to the conch--HIS SHELL! R.I.P. for mine--for this reason. But you need alot more snails for clean-up. I believe the standard rule is 1 per gal. of water. Good Luck! Oh-also a toothbrush will work on your rock to help the little buggers out until you get the full crew.

I have 3 blue legged hermits, they are all tiny. I've had no problem with them trying to find new homes in my snail's shell, but I will be adding empty shells just in case. The hermits did their job for the first 2 weeks, now they are being really lazy. They are good with cleaning the sand, but they will not touch the rock otherthan to sit on it. Now I clean the rock with a soft toothbrush. (Thanx Dr. Brown for the freebie)
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