Home Made Garlic Paste.

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EL Diablo

Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2004
I hear alot of people adding Garlic to their food.

I was wondering if I could blender up a bunch of clovers with a little
RO water and make a Garlic Paste.

Then mix this paste in with the food.
I would feed it once or twice per week.

What do you think? Would this do the trick?

Sure you could do that, just don't overdo how much you use and be sure the garlic is very fresh. The properties of garlic can help boost the fish's immune system in some cases. The only difference most times between the clove itself and the stuff you buy already made is shelflife stability. When using fresh, be sure you freeze the mixture and only take out what you need for each feeding.

If only making small amounts of blender mush, you can easily place it in a ziplock and lay it flat in the freezer so it solidifies in a thin sheet. It's then very easy to break off portions for feeding.

Sounds Great! now my fish will have a super immune system :D

Thanks Steve!
I make garlic oil and then soak certain foods, and also have been known to take a hypodermic and inject garlic into shrimp for my eels and lionfish. Oil is also easy to make and it stores for a long time.
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