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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 20, 2005
I think my snowflake eel is eating my snails i am offering him krill every other day but all he dose is take a bite and that is it Is this normal i thought they were mild tempered for an eel
The eating of snails is quite normal/natural behaviour. My Snowflake eel would eat fresh shrimp at every feeding and yet, a huge stash of snail shells would be behind the live rock. The statement 'Mild tempered" is very correct. For and eel, they are very mellow. You can't blame an eel for taking advantage of food availability.
I don't see how a SFE could eat a snail?? Mine has problems with large pieces of raw shrimp. (12-14") They could not IMO suck out a snail.. If they could crush the shell then they may be eating them.
Mine gets fussy every so often so I try and mix up his food when he does. Try fresh uncooked shrimp cut into small pieces and feed to him on a feeding stick, get the shrimp from the supermarket.. I also try scallops every once in a while when he gets fussy.
i like the diagram with the tubes under the sand but i would be worried about it getting filled with sand or crabs ,starfish and other things going under thier
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