Lion fish eats all the food!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 14, 2004
I ahve a small lion fish and he eats all the food I put in the tank. I have to target feed the puffer, eel, trigger. What a pain. Any ideas? He'll eat every type of food. Even the other fishes crap at times.
look at it this way, by target feeding, you know they are getting their fair share with none going to waste. I like to target feed mine, it is also a way to know pretty quick when a fish is "out of sorts".
marcus russo said:
Try feediong on both sides of the tank @ the same time so the other fish have more of a chance.

What he said :) My trigger is like that and he gets pushy when the other fish invade his feeding zone so I have to lure him away and then feed the others. Eventually my fish started getting pushy back because they know they will never eat if they don't fight for it.
What kind of lionfish?

I am wondering what kind of lionfish you have that will take frozen food.???I have a volitan that I have been trying for a month to convert off live food with no luck!
I have volitans that I have raised from 2 inch babies into full adults. As babies they ate brine and mysis shrimp and are now eating gulf shrimp, bay scallops and silversides .......all frozen. It is not hard to do with consistency.
I have been very consistent and have tried every method I have been told about and my volitan will starve himself to death. I let him go 10 days and tried different types of food, a feeding stick, using circulation, garlic, etc. etc. He just isn't interested. He looks a lot at the food but won't strike. I wonder if I got him too big. He is about 3 inches long.
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