Live Phytoplankton Uses

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 30, 2009
tallahassee, florida
So I picked up some live phytoplankton on ebay for a little copepod tank I made. Is it a good idea to feed the main DT as well?

My setup:
copepod tank is a 2.5gallon with nothing but salt water and pods in it with a small clump of cheato. (I found a link online saying nothing more was needed for a pod tank).

My DT:
20gallon with 25lbs live rock. A couple fish, and alot of corals (SPS, LPS, mushrooms, and zoanthids) plus a clam. (crocea).

With just 20g (and SPS) I am worried about over feeding. Should I just stick with the phytoplankton for the pods only?

What else can I do with live phyto? Its in the fridge right now, and I shake it well each day. Anything else to know? The seller has great feedback, so I assume hes got safe stuff.
It's very easy to over do it with phytoplankton and really mess up your DT.
Feed the cocopods the phyto and feed the pods to your DT.IMO
It would not show me the link but It should be OK but as TC said earlier it`s easy to over do it. I would under feed whatever the directions say.
Hmm...Thats strange about the link. It wouldnt allow me either. Ebay can be buggy at times. Here is the item number incase interested. 150432368707
I will leave it for the pod tank and simply transfer pods to the DT.
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