Mithrax Crabs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 31, 2004
Columbia, TN
My 3 Mithrax Crabs should work for the CIA or FBI. They stay hidden so well that I can never see them. How do I know if they are eating?
Get a flash light and about a hour after you tank lights go out check the tank. I ahve a strawbury crab and this is the only way I can see it..... Never comes out during the day.
Guess I'm lucky. I frequently see mine durung the day. Both hang around the left side of the tank near the front in the rocks.
sorry if i hijack this post, but is a mithrax crab the same as an emerald crab ive always wondered this, BTW mine liked to stay in a relitivly small area during the day but at night would explore the tank
I have both red and green ones. When I first got them the green were out all the time. Now I hardly ever see then during the day. It seemed to start after I got some fish but I don't know if they are related. It was weird because I have Peppermint shrimp too and they used to be the night owls now they are out during the day and the crabs pull the night shift.

The red ones are out all the time.
They are still hiding. I guess that's just what mine will do. As long as they eat the stuff I want them to eat everything will be fine.
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