QT Inverts?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2003
Flushing, MI
O.K. I have learned my lesson in not QT'ing my fish. But what I haven't heard anyone say is do you have to QT inverts?
Most people dont QT inverts.. I have heard of some doing that but most of us dont..

If you notice, in the "Getting Started" forum Reefrunner actually posted a good response to this exact question someone else asked.

I'll sum up his response in saying that while inverts cannot get ich and the like, they can sometimes carry the parasites on their bodies and possible infect a tank.

This is an unlikely scenario though...
I received a shipment from a reputable dealer of marine shrimp about two months ago. I didn't use a drop of water from the holding bag. When I fed them to the leaf fish in my 55g, not more than 2 days later my puffer came down with ich.

Needless to say, although the chances are not as great, everything will be QT'ed
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