rtba question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 27, 2006
Washington State
I thought my rtba had finally settled down but it appears that I'm wrong. Once again it's moved towards the back of the tank....so I'll get out the powerhead and see if I can get him to move. My question is.....what is the lighting requirements for this guy? Should I be concerned if he's settling mid-tank or so? I have compact lighting.

Thank you!
Anenomes will settle where they are comfortable . If he is constantly moving I would be concerned that he is not getting the requirements that he needs . If he wants to be there let him go and keep an eye on his coloration and his growth ...
I agree! Mine is doing the same thing but it was bleached when I got it so I'm guessing mine is trying to acclimate itself to my lighting and get used to the tank. So far mine has decided to stay in a little nook not the best place for it but for now it will work.
How deep is the tank, how far down is the anemone , is it shaded, how healthy is the anemone, what caused it to move (water conditions, water flow, any recent changes), how long have you had it, how long has the tank been setup, oh and how old are the bulbs?
How deep is the tank, how far down is the anemone , is it shaded, how healthy is the anemone, what caused it to move (water conditions, water flow, any recent changes), how long have you had it, how long has the tank been setup, oh and how old are the bulbs?

tank is approximately 23" deep. The anemone has moved 1/2 way down the tank. I had it in the top 1/3 of the tank. It has not been shaded. Anemone appears to be healthy. I think it moved because it was in too high of a flow area. Tank has been up for 1 year 4 months and bulbs are about 2 months old.
Test all of the water params. How big is the rbta? It could be a good or bad thing, since they split due to stress and when they are huge.
Test all of the water params. How big is the rbta? It could be a good or bad thing, since they split due to stress and when they are huge.

False alarm! I was sure that he was splitting but I was wrong.

Ooops....sorry about the panic. :sorry:
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