tangs,tangs and more tangs!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 27, 2005
sydney australia
hey everyone :)

from the begging i have always planned to have lots of tangs in my 450g system. currently i already have 2 a mimic/chocolate and a blue hippo.

the following is a list of tangs that i plan to add and the order in which i will add them! just wanted to know your thoughts about the stock ive chosen and any good/ bad experience in keeping each species.

all tangs will be added simultaneously in groups (groups added one month apart)

Group one
Olivaceus tang : Acanthurus olivaceus
Tomini tang : Ctenochaetus tominiensis

Group Two

Gold rim tang : Acanthurus nigricans
Powder blue tang : Acanthurus leucosternon

Group Three
Yellow tang : Zebrasoma flavescens
Purple tang : Zebrasoma xanthurus

and i want to add some more but i dont know what species at this stage

any comments and suggestions will be greatly appriciated, thanks[/b]
How many inches of adult fish are you targeting for your system? If it were me I'd do 3 or 4 of the yellows for that schooling effect. The gold rim is a great choice. Nice looking fish. Do you still have the shark and the rays in there? How big are each of them going to get? What are your tank dimensions? How much LR do you have? Cool looking setup.

Haha. I ended up asking more questions than answering :D Thanks for sharing!
I would think about adding the powder blue last as they are very aggressive towards newcomers(especially new tangs)
Id add an Sohol tang if you can find one. white cheek is cool too but IMO
group 2 should be last along with the sohol.
hello all....

IFoundNemo said
You should add a Regal tang
the blue hippo tang is a regal its jsut a different common name :D

and a Naso tang as well

i was thinking about a naso but i was told that it may get to big?

phyl asked

Do you still have the shark and the rays in there?

they arn't mine the photo was taken at my local fish store... but i wish they were!

What are your tank dimensions? How much LR do you have?

the main tank in inches measures as follows 96x36x36, and the mini reef (refugem) i think thats what you guys call it in the US measures 72x18x20.
and there is approx 200kg of live rock which i think converts to about 425lbs.and as for the yellows in australia they are $$$$$$ expensive... like about $100US for a bout 3inch good quality one.

Jonathan G asked
but where is the chevron or achilles on that list

i was told that achillies are hard to keep? and the chevron is a tang i was looking at but was undecided

and as for the sailfin tang they get pretty big like 12-15inches dont they?

thanks for your thoughts :)
me again :D

i forgot to ask.... if i do decide to get a school of yellows will they be ok with all the other tangs aswell? or will i just have to have the yellows? also how many should i get to stop the chance of fighting?

thanks again :D
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